Daily Newsletter

February 7, 2022: Life is a game; Waiting is not free; A meaty explanation
Tag : nassim-nicholas-taleb
Daily Newsletter
February 7, 2022: Life is a game; Waiting is not free; A meaty explanation
Daily Newsletter
December 16, 2021: Can robots paint?; Why sleep matters; The fine print
Daily Newsletter
July 20, 2021: Ruchir Sharma on Chinese tech crackdown; Leisure time is not a hack; If you love someone
Daily Newsletter
September 08, 2020: Black Swan opportunities; Working together as a family; How to find a good mentor—remotely; The trouble with questions
There is an old saying that goes, when the facts change, I change my mind. What will you do when you get obsolete? Or when everything changes, overnight?
From the Antarctic to the Moon, and Leonardo da Vinci and Sir Ernest Shackleton to Muhammad Yunus, there is much to catch up on
Notes on being anti-fragile from the middle of nowhere, a former Catholic priest and a private equity investor
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