Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation

In the finale of season 2, Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation, the Pauls—BBDO’s chairman Josy, doctoral student Shlok, and jazz and gospel singer Marie—share their journey of how music influenced their lives
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
How do millennials, the mid-twenty-to-late-thirty-something generation, see the world? Especially since the Covid-19 pandemic has upended our lives as consumers, professionals and citizens. And what do their parents, the Gen Xers, think of that?
This series, curated by Founding Fuel, explores inter-generational and inter-cultural trends in consumption, work, entertainment—and many other things that are changing.
What’s similar? What’s different?
The series includes a weekly column by a millennial on their generation. Their parent adds their observations. And every Saturday at 7.30 pm IST, the two chat on Facebook Live on these differences and similarities. The show hosts a range of speakers and points of view.
So far, we’ve hosted a few interesting parent-child pairs: Damodar Mall, CEO of Reliance Retail’s grocery division and his son and digital marketing consultant Harsh, based in New York City, Santosh Desai, author, columnist and CEO of Futurebrands and his daughter and startup entrepreneur Pallavi. We have many more lined up in the weeks ahead.
Register here to receive communication about upcoming episodes.
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
In the finale of season 2, Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation, the Pauls—BBDO’s chairman Josy, doctoral student Shlok, and jazz and gospel singer Marie—share their journey of how music influenced their lives
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
It evokes emotion and nostalgia. It’s about growing up. It’s our connection with ourselves and others. It’s even a call to action
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
Explore, and then commit to your passion. Forget about a Plan B. Only then will you know if it’s right for you. Listen to Kiran Bir Sethi and her son Raag Sethi in S02E05 of TAMG
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
Raag Sethi transitioned from teaching to become a music producer and studio owner—rather late in life he says. Here’s what he learned about committing to your passion from his world champion father Geet Sethi, his maverick educator mother Kiran Bir Sethi, and from his own ups and downs in finding what gives him joy
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation, Season 2 Episode 4: A daughter-in-law and mother-in-law duo talk about the challenges and opportunities for working women post-Covid
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
As home and office merge, the stress of the double-duty has become widespread. Many corporations are aware of women’s challenges and are attempting a fix. And like millennial men who expect to share the load of maintaining a home, the older generation too is getting used to the idea. A daughter-in-law and mom-in-law duo examine this post-Covid road to equality
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
TAMG Season 02, Episode 03: Father and son duo Partha and Atreyo Sinha explore how the pandemic has changed our relationship with sports, and how we're likely to experience the game differently as sports fans
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
When the pandemic struck and almost all sports were suspended, fans were left with a void. This pair of armchair enthusiasts talk about how it is making them rethink their relationship with sports—especially when sports returned on TV with empty stadiums and simulated crowd noises
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
Season 2, Episode 1: Master chef Sanjeev Kapoor and his daughter Rachita talk about food, especially home-cooked food, the evolution of the kitchen, and how attitudes around cooking and eating are changing
Talkin’ ‘bout My Generation
Home food was boring for millennials, but the pandemic and the sudden loss of options to eat out or order in is forcing them into the kitchen. They are discovering the joys of being creative and the assurance of being self-sufficient, but they still want convenience. Food entrepreneurs are taking note
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