Daily Newsletter

October 6, 2021: India’s imminent power crisis; Long-term thinking Vs Long-termism; Fringe benefits
Tag : organizational-culture
Daily Newsletter
October 6, 2021: India’s imminent power crisis; Long-term thinking Vs Long-termism; Fringe benefits
Numbers aren’t everything. People matter. Cultures matter
The room for learning, growth and improvement exists when you are challenged by smart peers and colleagues
Sounding Board
Should I continue as a full-time consultant to the chief transformation officer in my firm? Or am I better off moving to a part-time consulting role, take on other clients, and acquire a more diverse experience?
Culture cannot be an afterthought for tech transformation. It has to be an essential part of it
Facebook is undergoing a moral crisis. Is it because of its business model, its culture, or something deeper?
#metoo and a safe workplace, Paul Allen vs Bill Gates, AI and human judgement, interview with India Post's Ashok Pal Singh, and more
Women will believe they will get justice when they see leaders champion a harassment-free workplace. For that, a compliance mechanism alone is not enough. Leaders must initiate open conversations that define the norms for a safe workplace
Is Holacracy and the boss-less company the next big thing?
The Gist
In his book ‘Move Your Bus’, Ron Clark talks about the different kinds of people companies typically have—high performers, the dependables, average workers and deadweights—and what leaders can do to get the best out of their teams
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